Turtle Crossing Project Using Turtle modules.

Introduction of Project:

Here Turtle crossing road Game Project, First Turtle starts with Bottom position. After that Car randomly generated from right which all are goes to the left hand side. Now Turtle takes place to move forward with UP key only. Down, Right ,Left keys \ directions are not allowed here. 

Logic Behind Project.

  • Above project is completely created in OOPS based concepts.
  • Turtle is having 20 x 20 pixel space in Screen. Car height = 20, width = 40 pixels.
  • Turtle starts with Bottom most position at center.
  • Cars are randomly generated by right most side but not at align to SCORE and TURTLE.
  • Car's colors are generated randomly by random module.
  • When Turtle reach at the top of the Line, Score was increased at a time and turtle starts again at bottom most position.
  • If Turtle collided with car then only GAME OVER message was display, before that time turtle scores up and along with that Level should increase every time.


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