
Showing posts from April, 2023

Reeborg's World Hurdles and Quizzes

 Reeborgs's World is a website where I evaluate my skills and apply previous learning by solving quiz and Hurdles using Python Functions and Loops. It is provided with actual working of code and I understand basic knowledge of python by implementing real life example. Some of them are as below provided video and By clicking on that You can watch output for that same. 1) Hurdle 1 : 2). Hurdle 2 : 3).Hurdle 3 : 4).Hurdle 4: 5). Maze Runner :

Python Password Generator with User Choice

 Python Password Generator This Python Program will let user select how many letters, symbols and numbers available in Generated Password. Final result of password will show as per letters, symbols and numbers counting and according to that password length generated. This Program uses Random library available in Python 3.11 version. Output :